C E O M e s s a g e C E O M e s s a g e Dear Investors, Customers, Partners

We want to enrich the world with the power of creativity.
RICHKA is not just a marketing company. We are a company that enriches the world with the power of creativity.
The name "RICHKA" comes from the Japanese word "Rich-Ka", meaning "to make better and richer". There are many challenges in the world, but with a little change in perspective, a little change in expression, and a little ingenuity, we can potentially create a richer world. We would like to be like a converter of such a world.
And for that, we need the power of creativity and ingenuity. To be better than we are now, we must continue to be original and ingenious. We will challenge ourselves to create a better future with the power of creativity and technology.

R e l a t e d C o n t e n t s